
Industry Insights


Top Three Benefits of a WordPress Blog

wordpress blog

WordPress is a well known and popular website builder for many reasons. It’s easy to use, accessible, not that expensive, and has great SEO and ecommerce options. When it comes to blogging, WordPress has no superior. Why? We’re glad you asked.

Adding Blog Content is Fast and Simple

WordPress makes it easy to add blog content – all you need to do is hit “add post.” When you hear from people who want to make a website or start a blog, a lot of them are worried about the design, management, and upkeep. Those worries virtually disappear with WordPress. You can choose one of their many themes for your blog page and then be good to go until you want to change it again.

Creating a New Post is Simple

When we say it’s as easy as hitting “add new post,” we mean it. All you need to do is find the “post” option in your menu (left side) and click on it. Seriously, that’s it. Everything else is copy and paste.

You’ll be able to add a featured photo (thumbnail), using the menu on the right-side of the blog builder too. Super simple, no coding required!

Superior SEO Plugins to Rank Higher, Faster

WordPress is king for plugins. Thankfully, that king also hosts the ultimate ruler of SEO plugins too. We’re talking, of course, about Yoast SEO (and others like All-in-One SEO). Honestly, any plugin that works for you, will work great on WordPress.

It works by adding a little box beneath where you copy/paste (or write) your blog. All you need to do is write the meta description, slug (URL), SEO Title, and add in the keyword. If you’re using Yoast, it will tell you exactly what you need to do to improve your SEO. It could be anything, from mentioning the keyword too much, to forgetting to put it in your image’s alt text.

On top of that, Yoast also scores your blog’s readability. This ensures that your readers will be able to understand your blog and that Google will easily be able to crawl it.

Of course, you don’t want to have too many plugins on your WordPress site. Too many plugins or themes will slow your site down — even the plugins and themes that aren’t active.

This means that not only should you delete your inactive themes and plugins, you need to update them on a regular basis. Schedule a time once a week where you update everything on your blog as needed. Thankfully, Yoast is pretty stable even if it’s outdated!

WordPress is User-friendly, Even for Beginners

You don’t need hours and hours of practice before you can master WordPress. It’s friendly for everyone, from beginners who have no idea how to run a blog, to multinational corporations.

A WordPress site can be installed and up and running in a matter of minutes, even without any technical expertise. All you need is a domain name and a web hosting account. WordPress can be installed free through your WordPress hostingprovider or uploaded directly from From there, an intuitive and easy to manage Admin dashboard has all the features needed to customize a site’s heading and layout and to start creating pages and posts right away.

It sounds scary, but we promise you that it’s not. From there, you can play around with the different themes and website building options, or hire a developer to create the website (and the blog) of your dreams!

But Domains Aren’t Free?

You’re right! You can get a website and a blog for free using other platforms such as Wix, but that is going to limit your SEO potential and reach. You see, Wix is great for personal use, like wedding websites or personal portfolios, but it’s not great for businesses or blogs. It’s hard to get your website going on Wix, especially compared to WordPress.

This is, in part, due to the lack of plugins and core SEO properties offered by Wix. It is a great website builder, but it may not be the one for you if you’re looking for exposure and/or sales.

WordPress is where it’s at. Once you’ve decided to use it, all you need is an idea and a goal: what do you want your blog to accomplish for you and your readers? Do you want to get your name off the ground with your first website, or do you want to draw in thousands of new customers who are having trouble locating your brand on Google? WordPress can do both and more. So, if you’re still on the fence about WordPress, don’t be. Take the leap and get it. You’ll thank yourself in the future.